Equipe MAOS
Tél : 05 62 74 62 03
I’m an epileptologist and the head of the Clinical Neurophysiology unit at Toulouse University Hospital. My research is focused on the correlations between brain, behaviour and electrophysiology. I work on several projects :
⦁ how to reduce the cognitive impact of epilepsy surgery (ACTELIN and MEMSTIM projects).
⦁ how to identify the epileptogenic network through intracerebral recordings using both standard depth electrodes and micro-electrodes (EPIFAR project).
⦁ how to extend epilepsy neurosurgery to children using new surgery techniques.
⦁ Condret V, Barragan-Jason G, Denuelle M, Nespoulous JL, Valton L, Barbeau EJ. Characterization of proper name retrieval failures in temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Research, in press.
⦁ Curot, J., M. Denuelle, T. Busigny, G. Barragan-Jason, M. Kany, P. Tall, F. Marlat, N.Fabbre and L. Valton (2014) Bilateral Wada test : Amobarbital or propofol ?. Seizure 23 (2) 122-128
⦁ Bartolomei, F., M. Gavaret, R. Hewett, L. Valton, S. Aubert, J. Regis, F. Wendling and P. Chauvel (2011) Neural networks underlying parietal lobe seizures : a quantified study from intracerebral recordings. Epilepsy Research 93 (2-3) 164-176
⦁ Aranda, A., G. Foucart, J. L. Ducasse, S. Grolleau, A. McGonigal and L. Valton (2010) Generalized convulsive status epilepticus management in adults : a cohort study with evaluation of professional practice. Epilepsia 51 (10) 2159-2167
⦁ Arthuis, M., L. Valton, J. Regis, P. Chauvel, F. Wendling, L. Naccache, C. Bernard and F. Bartolomei (2009) Impaired consciousness during temporal lobe seizures is related to increased long-distance cortical-subcortical synchronization. Brain 132 (Pt 8) 2091-2101