Equipe ECO-3D
Tél : 05 62 74 45 47
My fields of interests are focused on 3-D visual perception and spatial localization. For several years I developed a thematic in the behaving rhesus monkey showing that the primary visual cortex is a cortical site in which a range of retinal and extraretinal signals related to eye position interact for localizing objects in 3-D space, especially in the straight ahead axis. I also investigate visual 3-D perception in human and non human primate using VEP and fMRI techniques. Collaboration with clinics aims at developing rehabilitation protocols using perceptual learning in patients affected by age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Extracellular recordings, VEP and psychophysics in Human, fMRI in human and non human primate.
– Orthoptie : Faculté de médecine (Toulouse).
– DU optométrie : Univ. Paris XI (Orsay )
– M2R NCC : Univ. Paul Sabatier (Toulouse)
International :
⦁ Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway University of London, Royaume-Uni
⦁ Laboratorium voor Neuro- en Psychofysiologie, KU Leuven Belgique
⦁ Visual Space Perception Laboratory, University of California Berkeley, Etats-Unis
⦁ MIT Institute for Brain Research, Etats-Unis
National :
⦁ Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture des Systèmes LAAS, Toulouse
⦁ Centre de la Rétine, CHU Purpan, Toulouse
⦁ Service de Neurologie, CHU Purpan, Toulouse
⦁ IRIT Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse
⦁ Institut de la Vision , Paris
⦁ ICM, Institut du cerveau et de la moelle, Paris
⦁ Bogdanova, O.V., Bogdanov, V.B., Durand, J-B., Trotter, Y & B.R. Cottereau. Dynamics of the straight‑ahead preference in human visual cortex. Brain Structure and Function. 2020 (225):173-186. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00429-019-01988-5
⦁ Asymmetry of pictorial space : A cultural phenomenon. Rima, S., Khalil, C., Cottereau, B.R., Trotter, Y., Durand, J.B. J Vis. 2019 Apr 1 ;19(4):22. doi : 10.1167/19.4.22.
⦁ tRNS boosts perceptual learning in peripheral vision. Contemori G, Trotter, Y, Cottereau, BR, Maniglia M. neuropsychologia.2019.02.001. [Epub ahead of print]⦁ M. Maniglia, V. Soler, B. Cottereau & Y. Trotter. Spontaneous and training-induced cortical plasticity in MD patients : Hints from lateral masking. Sci Rep. 2018 Jan 8 ;8(1):90. doi : 10.1038/s41598-017-18261-6
⦁ B. Cottereau, A.T. Smith, S. Rima, D. Fize, Y. Héjja-Brichard, L. Renaud, C. Lejards, N. Vayssière, Y. Trotter, & J.B. Durand. Processing of egomotion-consistent optic flow in the rhesus macaque monkey. Cereb Cortex. 2017 Jan 19. doi : 10.1093/cercor/bhw412. [Epub ahead of print]⦁ Maniglia, M., Cottereau, B., Soler, V. and Trotter, Y. Rehabilitation approaches in macular degeneration patients. Review in Front. Syst. Neurosc..10:107. doi : 10.3389/fnsys.2016.00107.
⦁ Camors, D., Trotter, Y., Pouget, P., Gilardeau, S. and Durand, J.B. Visual straight-ahead preference in saccadic eye movements. Sci. Rep. 6, 23124 ; doi : 10.1038/srep23124 (2016).
⦁ Maniglia, M., Pavan A. & Trotter, Y. The spatial range of peripheral collinear facilitation. Scientific Reports. 5,15530 ; doi : 10.1038/srep15530, 2015a.
⦁ Maniglia, M., Pavan A. & Trotter, Y. The effect of spatial frequency on peripheral collinear facilitation. Vis. Res. 107 ; 146-154, 2015b.
⦁ Y. Trotter. Neurobiologie de la perception tridimensionnelle (2013). RFO (Revue Francophone d’Orthoptie), Elsevier, 6 : 148-154
⦁ J.B. Durand, D. Camors, Y. Trotter, S. Celebrini. Privileged visual processing of the straight-ahead direction in humans. J. Vision, 26, 12 (6) : 34, 1-13, 2012.
⦁ Marie Denuelle , Nicolas Boulloche, Pierre Payoux, Nelly Fabre, Yves Trotter, Gilles Géraud. A PET study of photophobia during spontaneous migraine attacks. Neurology, janv 18 ; 76(3) : 213-18, 2011
⦁ Durand, J. B. , Y. Trotter and S. Celebrini (2010). Privileged Processing of the Straight-Ahead Direction in Primate Area V1. Neuron, 66(1) : 126-137.
⦁ Alexandra Séverac Cauquil, Stéphanie Delaux, Renaud Lestringant, Margot J. Taylor, Yves Trotter. Neural correlates of chromostereopsis : An evoked potential study. Neuropsychologia 47 2677–2681, 2009
⦁ Y. Wang, S. Celebrini, Y. Trotter, P. Barone. Visuo-auditory interactions in the primary visual cortex of the behaving monkey : electrophysiological evidence. BMC Neuroscience, 2008, 9, 79.
⦁ J.B. Durand, S. Celebrini, Y. Trotter. Neural bases of stereopsis across visual field of the alert macaque monkey. Cerebral cortex (Feature Article), 17 : 1260-1273, 2007
⦁ P . Souères, C. Jouffrais, S. Celebrini, Y. Trotter. Robotics insights for the modeling of visually guided hand movements in primates. Bio & Ctrl. Theory : current challenges, LNCIS, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 357, 53-75, 2007
⦁ A. Séverac Cauquil, Y. Trotter, Margot J. Taylor. At what stage of neural processing do perspective depth cues make a difference ? Exp Brain Res, 2006, 170 : 457–463
⦁ Yves Trotter, Simona Celebrini, Jean Baptiste Durand. Evidence for implication of primate area V1 in neural 3-D spatial localization processing. Journal of Physiology – Paris 98, 2004, 125–134.
⦁ J.B Durand, S. Zhu, S. Celebrini and Y. Trotter. Neurons in parafoveal areas V1 and V2 encode vertical and horizontal disparities. J. Neurophysiol., 88, 2874-2879, 2002.
⦁ A. Viguier, G. Clément and Y. Trotter. Distance perception in Near space. Perception, 30 : 115-124, 2001.
⦁ Y. Trotter and S. Celebrini. Gaze direction controls response gain in primary visual cortex neurons. Nature (Lond), 398, 239-242, 1999
⦁ Y.Trotter, S Celebrini, B Stricanne, S Thorpe, and M. Imbert. Neural processing of stereopsis as a function of viewing distance in primate visual cortical area V1. J. Neurophysiol, 76, 2872 – 2885, 1996
⦁ Y. Trotter : Cortical representation of visual 3-D space, Perception (England), vol. 24, 287-298, 1995
⦁ S. Celebrini, S. Thorpe, Y. Trotter and M. Imbert. Dynamics of orientation coding in the awake primate. Visual Neuroscience, 10, 811-825, 1993
⦁ Y. Trotter, S. Celebrini, J. C. Beaux, B. Grandjean and M. Imbert. Long term dysfunctions of neural stereoscopic mechanisms following unilateral extraocular muscle proprioceptive deafferentation. J. Neurophysiol. 69, 1513-1529, 1993
⦁ Y. Trotter, S. Celebrini, B. Stricanne, S. Thorpe and M. Imbert. Modulation of neural stereoscopic processing in primate area V1 by the viewing distance. Science, 257, 1279-1281, (1992)