Equipe SV3M
Tél : 0562744520
Benoit is a CNRS research director at the Cerco laboratory where he co-directs the SV3M (Spatial Vision in Man, Monkey and Machine) team. He is also the co-responsible of the neuroscience master program of Toulouse III University. He was trained as a signal processing engineer and completed a PhD in multi-modal neuroimaging in the LENA laboratory (CNRS UPR 640, Paris) and a post-doctoral internship in visual neurosciences at Stanford University. His research aims at understanding spatial vision from a multi-model (human, monkey, machine) and trans-disciplinary (behaviour, neuroimaging, modelling) approach. His work has numerous clinical applications (e.g., for patients suffering from visual pathologies such as macular degeneration) and technological outputs (e.g., for developing artificial vision systems).
Selected Publications
(complete publications list here)
⦁ Guenot J, Trotter Y, Delaval A, Baures R, Soler V & Cottereau BR (2023): Processing of translational, radial and rotationnal optic flow in older adults. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 15312.
⦁ Laurent MA, Audurier P, De Castro V, Gao X, Durand JB, Jonas J, Rossion B & Cottereau BR (2023): Toward an optimization of functional localizers in non-human primate neuroimaging with (fMRI) frequency-tagging. NeuroImage, 119959.
⦁ Guenot J, Trotter Y, Fricker P, Cherubini M, Soler V & Cottereau BR (2022): Optic flow processing in patients with macular degeneration. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science (IOVS).
⦁ Audurier P, Héjja-Brichard Y, De Castro V, Kohler P, Norcia AM, Durand JB, Cottereau BR (2022): Symmetry processing in the macaque visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex, bhab358.
⦁ Chauhan T, Masquelier T, Cottereau BR (2021): Sub-optimality of the early visual system explained through biologically plausible plasticity. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15.
⦁ Cottereau BR, Trotter Y, Durand JB (2021): An egocentric straight-ahead bias in primate’s vision. Brain structure and function, 1–13.
⦁ Chauhan T, Hejja-Brichard Y, Cottereau BR (2020): Modelling binocular disparity processing from statistics in natural scenes. Vision Research 176, 27-39.
⦁ Hejja-Brichard Y, Rima S, Rapha E, Durand JB, Cottereau BR (2020): Stereomotion processing in the non-human primate brain. Cerebral Cortex, 1-16.
⦁ Bogdanova O, Bogdanov V, Durand JB, Trotter Y, Cottereau BR (2019): Dynamics of the straight-ahead preference in human visual cortex. Brain Structure and Function, 225(1), 173-186.
⦁ Chauhan T, Masquelier T, Montlibert A, Cottereau BR (2018): Emergence of binocular disparity selectivity through Hebbian learning. Journal of Neuroscience, 38(44), 9563-9578.
⦁ Maniglia M, Soler V, Cottereau BR*, Trotter Y* (2018): Spontaneous and training-induced cortical plasticity in MD patients: Hints from lateral masking. Scientific Reports, 8 (1), 90. (*: Shared last authorship)
⦁ Cottereau BR, Smith AT, Rima S, et al. (2017): Processing of egomotion-consistent optic flow in the rhesus macaque cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 27(1), 330-343.
⦁ Cottereau BR, Ales JM, Norcia AM (2015): How to use fMRI functional localizers to improve EEG/MEG source estimation. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 250, 64-73.
⦁ Cottereau BR, Ales JM, Norcia AM (2014) The evolution of a disparity decision in human visual cortex. NeuroImage 92: 193–206.
⦁ Cottereau BR, McKee SP, Ales JM & Norcia AM (2012): Disparity-specific spatial interactions: Evidence from EEG source imaging. Journal of Neuroscience 32(3): 826–840.
⦁ Cottereau BR, McKee SP, Ales JM & Norcia AM (2011): Disparity tuning of the population responses in the human visual cortex: an EEG source imaging study. Journal of Neuroscience 31(3): 954–965.