Prefrontal attentional saccades explore spacerhythmically.
Corentin Gaillard, Sameh Ben Hadj Hassen, Fabio Di Bello, Yann Bihan-Poudec, Rufin VanRullen & Suliann Ben Hamed.
Brain waves to predict the world
“Andrea Alamia et Rufin VanRullen. Alpha oscillations and travelling waves : signatures of predictive coding ? A paraître dans PLOS Biology.”
Artificial intelligence to decode thoughts
Despite recent advances in brain imaging, the brain’s representation of the visual world is still largely unknown. Using a new artificial intelligence technique - deep learning - to decode brain activity recorded in functional imaging, CerCo’s Rufin VanRullen and Leila Reddy can reconstruct images seen - or imagined - by subjects.
Increased oxidation of iron, RNA and dystrophic microglia in the brains of older male marmosets
The editorial team of the American Journal of Primatology has chosen to highlight the following article
A little monkey that helps to better understand the aging of humans
Human life expectancy is gradually increasing while healthy life expectancy tends to stagnate. Aging is accompanied by a multitude of impairments of brain functions such as attention, memory and all the executive functions that guarantee the person’s cognitive autonomy.
A model explains how the early development of depth perception depends on our environment.
is our sensory perception innate or acquired ? In order to better understand how the neural mechanisms underlying our visual perception, and in particular depth perception, are established from birth, a team of researchers from the Cerco laboratory (Tushar Chauhan, Timothée Masquelier, Alexandre Montlibert and Benoit Cottereau) has used computer models based on artificial neural networks.
Waves in the brain
This scientific news "Waves in the brain" was also broadcast on the CNRS Institutes’ Newsletter"Direct from the labs" for journalists.